Sending messages from phone number
Saving money up to 50% compared to brandname
Sending messages from phone number
Saving money up to 50% compared to brandname
Supporting 2-ways interaction
The benefits of using fixed phone number 0901800836 are fast speed of delivery and high stability, cheaper than brandname sms, and saving money up to 50% compared to Brandname. However, it is difficult to identify company's brand and firms will not receive the customers' message when they reply
Each person can receive message from random phone number. This is the cheapest message which helps company save money up to 70% compared to sms brandname. Besides, company can receive message if clients reply.
Enter your phone number below, Speedsms will extend a greeting to you 🙂
There are 3 steps to get started using Speedsms' long code
To get started using services, you need to register an account at Speedsms' website:
To use fixed phone number 0901800836, people need to register template first. Please contact SpeedSMS via Livechat on website for support. People do not need to carry out this step if they use random phone number.
To get started using service, people need to transfer money to their account (prepaid account) and then send message. People can send message directly on SpeedSMS' website or via SMS API.
Take the following frequently asked questions as a reference to further understand about service.
A random phone number is a kind of service when messages are sent to may people, each person will receive a message from any phone number.
For fixed phone number 0901800836, network operators require customers to register template to avoid sending spam messages.
SpeedSMS has already had some registered templates, so customers can use them. Contact SpeedSMS for support.
This service supports sending messages with tone marks, or Korean, Japanese, and Chinese
The fixed phone number: 0901800836 service doesn't support receiving feedback messages
The random phone number service now supports receiving feedback messages. Company can read feedback in Inbox category or receive via API.